Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Think Happy Thoughts

We are only a week and a half out now. I've started to taper. I'm scaling down the workouts and doing things that will be less likely to injure me. I also do this so my muscles have a chance to get full recovery. So far the only thing besides minor aches and pains I've delt with is the loss of two toe nails that I had grown fond of the last 26 years. They will be missed. This is a common occurance among runners. We might be in great shape, but most of us have some gnarly feet.

This next week is all about visualization. I'm trying to visualize my swim, bike, and run all going smoothly. It's unfortunate that whenever I visualize myself on the swim it's with "Finding Nemo" arm floaties.

1 comment:

  1. you'll be happy to know that batman floaties work well too.

    it sounds like you're right on track to get this thing done - it'll be over before you know it and you'll be on your way to another one.

    welcome to the gnarly feet club.
