Thursday, September 24, 2009

Good Stuff

This is probably my last entry before the race because I'm headed out in the morning.
On Monday of this week I decided I would squeeze in one more open water swim in the Gulf. The sun was out and the wind was calm, but when I got in the water the current was going directly into me. It felt similar to running the wrong way on an escalator. I know that I could have turned around and gone the other way, but then I would have had to end with the current against me. So I trudged ahead. After a couple hundred yards my arm petted something that I wouldn't recommend petting. A jellyfish. Those that know me well know I can have a temper from time to time, but you can't take your anger out on a jellyfish. I wasn't going to let that little blob of snot get the best of me, so I got out of the water and jumped on the bike.
While I was on the bike, storm clouds came out of nowhere and I started getting pelted with rain.
When I got back to Shrek (my van) I was frustrated and ready to get home. The drawbridge came up as I was leaving Longboat Key. This pause gave me the chance to stop and look around.
Even though it was raining the sun was clearly visible setting into the Gulf. Right off the bridge were three dolphin playing in the current.
I don't want to get to deep or sentimental, but I thought this was a good comparison to the preparation for Augusta. Sometimes I got caught up in the training or raising money, but when I stop for a second I am able to see the huge hearts of the people that are giving and the amazing miracles that these gifts have the potential to produce. Doing this has reminded me that there are a lot of amazing people out there.

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