Monday, August 10, 2009


Yesterday... I decided that yesterday would be a biking day. I rode by myself on the Pinellas Trail. It was a little warm and I, being the genius that I sometimes am, forgot to bring water. I finished my 54 mile bike ride, regardless, because I'm stubborn like that.
As I was riding, I almost hit a 3 foot long black snake. It made me think back to a time, about three years ago, when my dad and I were riding on a mountain trail outside of Frisco, Colorado. The PETA people might want to stop reading now. I promise; it was an accident. The trail was very curvy and we were going at a fairly good rate of speed. All of a sudden, I'm not sure if it was Chip or Dale, ran out in front of me. I, being the animal lover that I am, slammed on my brakes forgetting that my dad was following close behind. I went right over the chipmunk and my dad went right over his handlebars. My dad ended up with several stitches, the chipmunk went to a better place, and I... well I was fine.


  1. hey, Nels... you look like a pro coming out of the water in that photo.

    good work this morning - swimming sure is hard work, isn't it?
    2 days down, how many to go?

    cindy(from the shark pool)

  2. I'm very good at getting out of the water. The part where I swim is the struggle!
    45 days to go!
